Zupco Southern Division - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Zupco Southern Division
1 Review
Zupco Southern Division 2200 A.Khami Rd09 67275, 0868-8002-886https://www.zimbabweyp.com/img/zw/r/_1609958512-18-zupco-southern-division.jpg
- Verified
Company name
Zupco Southern Division
2200 A.Khami Rd, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Company description
Through more than forty years of service in some parts of the Southern Region of Africa, ZUPCO has established a good reputation in the transport sector through the support of it's stakeholders and customer loyalty playing a major role in it's expansion in providing a safe and reliable transport service.
Due to the radical change in technology, we have managed to also adopt to the changing ways of delivering service in the most efficient and astounding 21st century way to all our clients interms of safety, smartness and security.
Due to the radical change in technology, we have managed to also adopt to the changing ways of delivering service in the most efficient and astounding 21st century way to all our clients interms of safety, smartness and security.
Listed in categories
Zupco Southern Division 2200 A.Khami Rd09 67275, 0868-8002-886https://www.zimbabweyp.com/img/zw/r/_1609958512-18-zupco-southern-division.jpg
Nketa 9 bus Schedules.
Today, Tuesday 8th October, there was no bus in Nketa 9 up until 7am given that we start queing at 4:30am. We had to board Kombis at $5 since we were late for work. We need 2 buses in the mornings Please kindly assist.
Questions & Answers
Is there a straight bus from Gwanda to Harare, departure time and. Cost
Do you have a straight bus to Gokwe ,if so how much ?
How much is a bus trip from Bulawayo to Dete using your buses using these 3 modes ofpayment??
Ecocash, Cash and Tapcard
Ecocash, Cash and Tapcard
Why is it that some areas has more buses and kombis but us in nketa munyoro we have less. Tshova mubaiwa is dominating the route. Pliz we want action
Does the Gweru to Zvishavane route has a zupco bus and if so what is the current bus fare and the time table.
Does the gweru to zvishavane route has a zupco bus, and if so what is the bus fare.
Do you have adriver called Andrew CHIKURUHUWA at your bulawayo depot
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