Hamilton High School - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Hamilton High School
2 Reviews
Hamilton High SchoolHamilton Road Famona09247179, 09242574https://www.zimbabweyp.com/img/zw/b/_1610909600-98-hamilton-high-school.jpg
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School name
Hamilton High School
Hamilton Road Famona, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Establishment year
1959Company description
Hamilton High School is a high school located in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. In 2003, it was rated by Africa Almanac as number 38 in the top 100 schools in Africa[1] Also rated number four in the top 20 of Zimbabwean schools.[citation needed] It had a very strong old boys network. The Old Boys Association consists mostly of graduates up to the mid 1980s.
Founded in 1959, it had up until 1981 just three headmasters - 1959 to 1965 I. Grant 1966 to 1975 ECW Silcock 1976 to 1981 JPB Armstrong.
Founded in 1959, it had up until 1981 just three headmasters - 1959 to 1965 I. Grant 1966 to 1975 ECW Silcock 1976 to 1981 JPB Armstrong.
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Hamilton High SchoolHamilton Road Famona09247179, 09242574https://www.zimbabweyp.com/img/zw/b/_1610909600-98-hamilton-high-school.jpg
Stop beating our kids for no reason
I recently enrolled my kids into your it is less than 2weeks I had to raise fees and uniforms so now they beating my kids for not having books
Like honestly it's not the child's fault.as it is I am out of Zimbabwe and my child is injured very swollen I am extremely dissappointed now I understand why people say your school is abusive
Like honestly it's not the child's fault.as it is I am out of Zimbabwe and my child is injured very swollen I am extremely dissappointed now I understand why people say your school is abusive
Hamilton High SchoolHamilton Road Famona09247179, 09242574https://www.zimbabweyp.com/img/zw/b/_1610909600-98-hamilton-high-school.jpg
very rubbish no Wi-Fi, no modern computers, no electricity, no order in teaching. Teachers are to abusive! And there are so many thieves I went to that school for six weeks I left due to lack of respect and teaching and the building is so terrible the class rooms should be made more fit for purpose.
Hi Kierran
Why do you say there is no order in teaching,maybe we can submit a complaint
Why do you say there is no order in teaching,maybe we can submit a complaint
Questions & Answers
What is your postal address
Are places for A level available
Do yuo have email adress
I would like to enroll my son for form 2 2018
Please advise procedure
Please advise procedure
Who was the first head master
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