Deeds And Companies - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Deeds And Companies
m 222 Leopold Takawira Ave Tredgold Bldg Fort St, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Questions & Answers
My colleague has a property on Ironbridge Road and I wanted to find out if it has a deed?
My colleague has a property on Ironbridge Road and I wanted to find out if it has a deed?
I own a fully paid residential stand in Mahatshula Bulawayo, I want to know how to obtain title deeds for the property
How do i get title deeds for a two roomed house and how much
How long is a certificate of heir valid for after it has been issued?
How do I place a caveat on a Title Deed
A caveat is placed by filling a letter with the Registrar noting that you want to place a caveat on the property however a court order must also be sought for the caveat to be valid. there is need for a pending legal action. To note a caveat costs US$20
How is stamp duty collected and which properties are liable to pay stamp duty
What is neeeded to transfer house title deeds from one person to another
How long does it take to process or register new title deeds after lodging the deeds by the conveyancer and payment of stamp duty?
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