Questions & Answers for Nass M R - Harare, Zimbabwe
Here you will find questions & answers for Nass M R. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or ZimbabweYP users.
Discuss any 5 benefits of Great Zimbabwein your community?
What government measures have been established and implemented to reduce looting and rampant exploitation of natural resources in Zimbabwe
What are the social,political and economic post independence of zimbabwe since 1980
Explain the importance of Zimbabwe's natural resources
Importance of National studies to sustainable development of Zimbabwe (20)
Justify the rationale for National And Strategic studies(NASS) in teacher education.
Describe any 5 aspects in the Traditional African civilization in the precolonial states
Examine the rationale of the inclusion of NASS in teacher education
Examine the rationale for the inclusion of NASS in teacher education
Analyse the importance of National and Strategic studies in tertiary education ?
How important is national and strategic studies to the student citizen at tertiary institutions? 25marks
Annalise and discuss the relevance of National heritage studies to social economical and political stability in Zimbabwe
Discuss the tenets and usefulness of democracy and good governance as they subsist in your community?
Justify the study of NASS in Zimbabwe Tertiary Education
Discuss the relevant of Nass to the social,economic and political stability of the Zimbabwean society (100)
Discuss the view that foreign aid is dead aid 50 marks
In the context of social, optical and economic challenges being faced by many Zimbabweans, conduct a research demonstrating how various civic responsibilities can be practised to positively develop your community
Discuss the relevance of NASS on teacher education.
Relevance of nass in teacher education
How has the inclusion of National and strategic studies benefited my college
Discuss the relevance of NASS in teacher education
Discuss the relevance of national strategic study to teacher education
How your college has benefited from the inclusion of National Strategic Studies
Discuss the relevance of National Strategic Studies in teacher education.
Discuss the relevance of national strategic studies in teacher education
Practical assignment of natural resources in Zimbabwe
Outline the importance of National and Srategic studies to nation building
The importance of nass to a national building
Analyse the impact of colonial land policies on Africans in Rhodesia.
Outline the steps taken by the British in the occupation of Zimbabwe? [100]
Show how terms like land grab ,farm seizure,farm occupation etc disturbed the land reform that commenced in 2000(20)
What is the problem with people who use statements like " mwana uyu kunaka semurunga", this child is beautiful as a white person
Critically evaluate the importance of studying pre-colonial state of Zimbabwe by interviewing any 3 elderly people in your community
Explain the 3C`s of international relations in the current world affairs
Justify the inclusion of National Strategic Studies (NASS) in the new curriculum at tertiary institutions in Zimbabwe?
Gender based violence influence spread of hiv and aids discuss
The study of Nass at tertiary institutions is are political ? Disscuss
3Cs of international relations in the current world affairs
3Cs of international relations in the current world affairs
To what extend was the introduction of National And Strategic Studies in Zimbabwe tertiary institutions a noble innovation.
Discuss the essence of studyińg the pre-colonial states of zimbabwe
To what extent was the introduction of national and strategic studies in Zimbabwe a noble innovation?
Non governmental organisations has caused more harm than good to communities in Zimbabwe discuss.
Examine the perceived benefits to be approved from the new path that has been taken by Zimbabwe in international relations
Discuss the level of civilization in the precolonial zimbabwe
Employment syndrome crippled entepreneriual initiative of indigenous zimbambwe. analyses the causes and suggested various ways to curb employment syndrome
Show the effectiveness of the post ordinal government in dealing with social, political and economical injuries in your community