Mater Dei Hospital - Bulawayo - Zimbabwe
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Hospital name
Mater Dei Hospital - Bulawayo
Btwn Chesterton Road & Burns Drive Malindela, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Contact number
242 106
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Tuesday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Wednesday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Thursday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Friday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Saturday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Mater Dei Hospital (MDH), also known simply as Mater Dei, is an Christian hospital established in 1953, it provides health services and specialist services. It is a Private hospital located in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Mater Dei Hospital is owned and operated by a Board of Trustees which include the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood.A Catholic Congregation or group which serves developing countries.
It all began with the Four Sisters from the Franciscan Missionaries of the Devine Motherhood. When the four Sisters came, they found just heaps of sand and brick, while construction took shape they would visit City Hospitals to tend the sick; Their home was with Dominicans in Lobengula Street Whose hospitality and care you simply couldn’t bear. In Bishop Schmidt who welcomed
It all began with the Four Sisters from the Franciscan Missionaries of the Devine Motherhood. When the four Sisters came, they found just heaps of sand and brick, while construction took shape they would visit City Hospitals to tend the sick; Their home was with Dominicans in Lobengula Street Whose hospitality and care you simply couldn’t bear. In Bishop Schmidt who welcomed
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them, they found a friend so dear; The Clergy too, by word and deed, were helpful and sincere through all the years and changing times their service would not cease. Bishop Pius ministered God’s Justice, Love and Peace.Listed in categories
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Questions & Answers
Goodafter you enroll nurse aide...l trained at Humanitarian ...can l have email address
How much are maternity services per day? Do you take First Mutual cards for payment of services? How much is the consultation fees.
Does the hospital offer biopsy surgery?
Hello Team
I was born in the Mater Dei Bulawayo in 1960 and would like to apply for a Certificate.of.birth. Please .how
I was born in the Mater Dei Bulawayo in 1960 and would like to apply for a Certificate.of.birth. Please .how
Do you offer attachments for students studying towards a degree in Biochemistry
Im requesting for the hospital email adreess
I was Born at the Materdei Hospital in the May of 1970, I am looking for a copy of my Birth Certificate.
Good day.
Do you take medical students for elective attachment? If so what is the process and what are the requirements to secure a place there? Lastly may I have an email address that I can further communicate with.
Do you take medical students for elective attachment? If so what is the process and what are the requirements to secure a place there? Lastly may I have an email address that I can further communicate with.
Good Day..does maureen Jamerson still work with you..we are related..I would appreciate it if you could give me her email address..,thanks..,Darryl
Hello. I am in the U.K. I have a sister who is not well who is in Bulawayo. 1st how much is your consultantion fee. 2nd do I make an appointment ?
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