Telecel Zimbabwe - Harare
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Company name
Telecel Zimbabwe
148 Seke Road Graniteside , Harare, Zimbabwe
Contact number
(263 4) 748321 – 7 (263 4) 780999 or 781624
(263 4) 748328
Website address
Establishment year
501-1000Company description
Telecel Zimbabwe is currently the second largest mobile phone network in Zimbabwe, with more than 2 500 000 active subscribers.
It is jointly owned by Telecel Globe and the Empowerment Corporation. Telecel Globe is a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom Company, a major international telecommunications company with interests in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America. The Empowerment Corporation is a Zimbabwean consortium made up of a number of Zimbabwean companies.
Because of this partnership of local and foreign investors and access to training opportunities locally and at other Telecel companies, Telecel Zimbabwe is well placed to keep abreast of the latest technology available internationally and apply it effectively to local conditions.
While, as a Zimbabwean
It has been able to use this combined local and foreign expertise effectively to introduce new concepts to the mobile telecommunications sector in Zimbabwe and bring down the costs of mobile phone communication to make it affordable to ordinary Zimbabweans.
Telecel Zimbabwe is committed to providing its customers with high-tech mobile phone products and services at an affordable cost.
It has put in place infrastructure to support an array of innovative value added services and invested substantial time and money refining its products and services to ensure they meet the diverse communication needs of the Zimbabwean market and of the highest international standard.
It is also in the process of expanding its network capacity by installing high capacity base stations in new places where previously there was no network coverage, particularly in the rural areas or where it was unsatisfactory.
Telecel Zimbabwe is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company and was the first mobile operator in the country to achieve this. In line with the certification, it is implementing the system in its entirety to ensure more quality and continual improvement in service delivery. Our certofication is testimony to our commitment to our customers and we believe getting and retaining this certification will have a direct impact on the quality of our brands, services and the customer experience. Telecel is a customer centric business and this certification allows us to ensure we remain surgically focused on availing value for money quality services.
It is jointly owned by Telecel Globe and the Empowerment Corporation. Telecel Globe is a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom Company, a major international telecommunications company with interests in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North America. The Empowerment Corporation is a Zimbabwean consortium made up of a number of Zimbabwean companies.
Because of this partnership of local and foreign investors and access to training opportunities locally and at other Telecel companies, Telecel Zimbabwe is well placed to keep abreast of the latest technology available internationally and apply it effectively to local conditions.
While, as a Zimbabwean
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company, it gives preference to local expertise in its recruitment policy, it is also able to make use, where necessary, of expertise from other Telecel Globe and Orascom subsidiaries.It has been able to use this combined local and foreign expertise effectively to introduce new concepts to the mobile telecommunications sector in Zimbabwe and bring down the costs of mobile phone communication to make it affordable to ordinary Zimbabweans.
Telecel Zimbabwe is committed to providing its customers with high-tech mobile phone products and services at an affordable cost.
It has put in place infrastructure to support an array of innovative value added services and invested substantial time and money refining its products and services to ensure they meet the diverse communication needs of the Zimbabwean market and of the highest international standard.
It is also in the process of expanding its network capacity by installing high capacity base stations in new places where previously there was no network coverage, particularly in the rural areas or where it was unsatisfactory.
Telecel Zimbabwe is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company and was the first mobile operator in the country to achieve this. In line with the certification, it is implementing the system in its entirety to ensure more quality and continual improvement in service delivery. Our certofication is testimony to our commitment to our customers and we believe getting and retaining this certification will have a direct impact on the quality of our brands, services and the customer experience. Telecel is a customer centric business and this certification allows us to ensure we remain surgically focused on availing value for money quality services.
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