Westridge Primary School - Harare, Zimbabwe

11 Reviews
Westridge Primary School
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Westridge Primary School
The Hindoo Religious 28 Anson Road, Harare, Zimbabwe
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Our mission as Westridge Primary School is to provide excellent all round primary education to boys and girls as an integral part of the Zimbabwean educational system. The school strives to provide the child with effective functional skills in literacy and numeracy and an education which will enable the child to develop individual judgement, a sense of moral, cultural and social responsibility to become a useful member of a wider and global society.
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11 Reviews
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I used to be at westridge high school since preschool till grade 7. I'm an older student though and I'm talking about the years from 1992 to 2000. I had a very good learning experience and right after grade 7 I moved on to westridge high school in 2001 for form 1 to form 4. And then I moved to the United States and now I'm currently in California got my Bachelors degree in Human Development at the California State University.
I truly remember my primary school years and high school. I've come a long way thanks to all my teachers at westridge primary and high school
For all my fellow students keep up the good work :)
I had the best time of my life at westridge the teaching system there is just AMAZIIIIIING!!!! although you are forced to play the sports you don't wanna play
i have been there for 6 years and was made prefect but i still hate it. girls gossip and do other crazy stuff like get my bff caned. it is a horrible school. i hate my head, my teachers even some of my FORMER close friends. thank god its my last year. i have had some good times like made like what 5 true friends 2 true bffs and nothing else.

Westridge is an awesome school have been there for five years left with two years to go and it is a nice place teachers are well trained. Out head girl is wonderful Nikita Naran but they fav the Bhagat'sand they re head girls and head boys so they don't have to favor and I don't like it RREAD MR KANJEE HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT
That's not nice I love that school. You should get expelled
I agreee
Westridge primary is a good school although I went there last year it's a wonderful school they welcome you with well hospitality. I love you WESTRIDGE
Even though I only spent 2 yrs at Westridge I have had loads of fun there.I will miss you Westridge!!
Its an ok school but they dont comunicate well
I love Westridge primary school. It is an awesome school I was a grade seven there in 2013. The teachers are amazing, fun, cool, and well trained. I learnt there for five years. I love the sports and clubs there. Westridge was and will always be in my heart it was like a second home to me. Westridge u rock.

Wow! Westridge is the best school ever. I am a grade 7 student there and i'm loving it. I have been to this school for 9 years including preschool and they were the best years of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The teachers there are well trained to teach each of every grade. The sports there are perfect and they might make you tired but it is when you get to show your sport talents and its worth it. I will really miss the school when i leave.
I LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Westridge primary school is an excellent school with great teachers who never give up. All the pupils do a great job with their exams and tests because the teachers never give up on you and I am sure they never will. I am the deputy head girl of Westridge primary school in the year of 2013 and I have been learning there for three years. I have been to so a few other schools but this tops all of them by a million and one percent. All of our grade sevens do really well in their exams and get into good high schools. If you put your son or daughter into this school they are going in the right direction and wont go wrong. We have got great sports facilities and it is a friendly school. This is a school for everyone and anyone. GOOD LUCK TO YOU BUT IF U GO IN THIS SCHOOL YOU WONT NEED IT;.)
School of excellents
I love Westridge I am in grade seven right now. As head girl I would like to say that it is the best school in Zim and I am so sad I am leaving this year. The teachers help us to understand every single subject and I think if you are looking for a good school to send your child to put Westridge into consideration. The sporting and learning facilities are the best you can find and it is a multicultural school and everyone accepts you for who you are.
u are right sylvia
I went to westridge myself and wow the qaulity of education is beyond compare the teachers and princepals are striked but its all worth it at the end keep doing what you guyz do to all teachers because you inspire us
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