Churchill Boy's High School - Harare, Zimbabwe
Churchill Boy's High School
1 Review
Churchill Boy's High SchoolNigel Phillip Ave Eastlea04779725, 04747094, 04747088, 04747143
Churchill Boy's High SchoolNigel Phillip Ave Eastlea04779725, 04747094, 04747088, 04747143
A private school that offers the best intellectual and academic education.
Questions & Answers
Good morning. may I know the admission process for this year's lower six day student?
1hat is the school fees for form 1 day school
What was 2021 school fees price
When will the next term begin??
I would like to get twin boys enrolled in your school. Please may you advise on how to go about it, fees and everything. I am in the USA and want to avoid 3rd part. Thank you.
Morning I want to get day school places for twin boys how do I go about it? I am in the USA.
Good morning.
May I please know when your 2019 form 1 intake is?
May I please know when your 2019 form 1 intake is?
How is your day school per term
How much per term are your fees for the A levels
How are you, I am in Britain and I have got my son who is attending your school, he is in form 3 , boarding school, I have a problem I always sent some people to pay the fees and the fees is changing all the time, may you please give me the full price of your boarding fees, levy and everything per term, I want the total for everything.
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