Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission - Harare, Zimbabwe
Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission
1 Review
Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission18 Smit Cres Eastlea747 495https://www.zimbabweyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission
18 Smit Cres Eastlea, Harare, Zimbabwe
Contact number
Listed in categories
Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission18 Smit Cres Eastlea747 495https://www.zimbabweyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a very peaceful community spread across the globe in 202 country's.They are also very much helping buildup the African continent and till now they have build close to 700 schools and 50 plus hospitals and clinics as well as many model villages and teaching centers etc in Africa and around the globe.Official website of the community is www.alislam.org,
Questions & Answers
Do help build accomodation for old age muslim people
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