Econet Zimbabwe (Customer Care Service) - Harare

Econet Zimbabwe (Customer Care Service)
  • Verified
Company name
Econet Zimbabwe (Customer Care Service)
No. 2 Old Mutare Road Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe
Contact number
+263 4 486121/6
+263 4 486120/486867
Website address
E-mail address
Company description
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe is Zimbabwe's largest provider of telecommunications services, providing solutions in mobile and fixed wireless telephony, public payphones, internet access and payment solutions.

Econet launched its network on the 10th of July 1998 and listed on 17th September 1998. It is one of the largest companies on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange in terms of market capitalisation.

The company continues to upgrade its network to carry more subscribers, and further widen its geographical coverage, which is already the most extensive in Zimbabwe.

In 2009, the network became the first operator in Zimbabwe to launch data services under 3G technology. The company's key infrastructure at the start of 2010 included three switches. In 2009, Econet began building an extensive  
Show more fibre optic network, and also commenced an accelerated rollout of other key network infrastructure.

Customer Services

For your convinience, you can use any of the following channels for self service:
1. USSD - Dial *111#,
2. SMS - Send any keyword to 111,
3. IVR - Dial 111 and listen to the voice prompts


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Questions & Answers

How can I transfer USD air time
I want to log into my gmail but it seems as if someone else is using my number ?
I bought an econet sim card a week ago and it seems like its not yet authorised, what should i do
I got a message that i won an AT&T-******** Award from the Telecommunications Company. I received this on my mobile number. I want to know if these are scammers or what. I want freedom on my number pliz help
How much is your mifi and is it network locked
I put my simcard into my phone , it writes econet-no service all the time ,what do I do about that?
I want to instal home wifi in Melfort along Mutare road. what package do you have for me

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