Matopos National Park- Matopos Hills - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Matopos National Park- Matopos Hills
Matopos road, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Company description
The park of international acclaim occupies a total area of 44 500 hectares . Established in 1953, the park was awarded World Heritage Status in June 2003. The park is an Intensive Protection Zone for endangered black and white rhinocerous. The park offers a diverse package of tourist attractions and activities.
The park is rich in cultural history which is resembled in numerous cultural and historical sites. The park is located 34 kilometres south of Bulawayo along the Kezi / Maphisa road. The main road to Maleme is tarred while all other park roads are gravel and mostly in good condition.
The park is well known for its unique balancing rock features with the popular “mother and child” balancing rocks.
There are curio souvenir sales crafted by the local communities around the
The park has a quiet and unpolluted environment idea for outdoor outings with friends, family, schools, churches, and corporates
The park is excellent for educational trips for schools, colleges and universities. The park is rich in history, geography and tourism aspects for students learning.
Featured Attractions
1. Unique balancing rocks in the park.
2. The Grave of Cecil John Rhodes
3. Wildlife and flora and fauna
4. Cultural villages and community craft centres
Matopo Hills, Matopo also spelled Matopos or Matobo, mass of granite hills, southeast of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, formed by river erosion and weathered into fantastic shapes and deep valleys. The hills are associated with folklore and tradition, some being venerated as dwelling places of the spirits of departed Ndebele chiefs. The hills contain gigantic caves (notably Bambata, Nswatugi, and Silozwane) with Khoekhoe paintings, and there are Stone and Iron Age archaeological sites. The name may have originated from matombe or madombe, meaning “the rocks,” or from matobo, “bald heads.”
The park is rich in cultural history which is resembled in numerous cultural and historical sites. The park is located 34 kilometres south of Bulawayo along the Kezi / Maphisa road. The main road to Maleme is tarred while all other park roads are gravel and mostly in good condition.
The park is well known for its unique balancing rock features with the popular “mother and child” balancing rocks.
There are curio souvenir sales crafted by the local communities around the
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park.The park has a quiet and unpolluted environment idea for outdoor outings with friends, family, schools, churches, and corporates
The park is excellent for educational trips for schools, colleges and universities. The park is rich in history, geography and tourism aspects for students learning.
Featured Attractions
1. Unique balancing rocks in the park.
2. The Grave of Cecil John Rhodes
3. Wildlife and flora and fauna
4. Cultural villages and community craft centres
Matopo Hills, Matopo also spelled Matopos or Matobo, mass of granite hills, southeast of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, formed by river erosion and weathered into fantastic shapes and deep valleys. The hills are associated with folklore and tradition, some being venerated as dwelling places of the spirits of departed Ndebele chiefs. The hills contain gigantic caves (notably Bambata, Nswatugi, and Silozwane) with Khoekhoe paintings, and there are Stone and Iron Age archaeological sites. The name may have originated from matombe or madombe, meaning “the rocks,” or from matobo, “bald heads.”
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