Chinhoyi University of Technology- CUT Student Portal - Zimbabwe

Chinhoyi University of Technology- CUT Student Portal
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Chinhoyi University of Technology- CUT Student Portal
Chinhoyi University of Technology Private Bag 7724, Zimbabwe
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Chinhoyi University of Technology was established as part of the recommendations of the Chetsanga Commission to devolve Chinhoyi Technical Teachers' College and other similar colleges into degree - awarding institutions following the realization that technology is the key driver and central cog to industrial development and economic prosperity in Zimbabwe. The University started operating under the auspices of the University of Zimbabwe, in 1999 in what was then called the University of Zimbabwe Chinhoyi Degree Programme which offered two degrees; Production Engineering and Hospitality and Tourism. This led to the awarding of the Charter to operate as a fully fledged University, through the Chinhoyi University of Technology Act No. 15 of 2001; Chapter 25:23. At the helm was Professor C.M  
Show more Nherera as the founding Vice-Chancellor.

He immediately set off to do a sterling job tolay a solid foundation by establishing systems which have stood the test of time to this date. In 2006, Professor D.J Simbi assumed office as the Vice Chancellor and took the University to dizzy heights despite the unstable economic environment. The shrewd tactician, strategist and academic visionary steered the ship through stormy waters to establish multi-campuses thereby growing the University from 2,800 students in 2006 to 7,000 by 2014

The University believes in quality in all its endeavours and to support this, fully equipped state-of-the art laboratories were established across campus to raise the research bar amid ongoing rigorous recruitment drive which saw the University recruit over sixty academic staff with PhD degrees at senior lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor level by January 2014. This recruitment coupled with internal staff development strategies, the University aims to grow its entire academic staff to PhD level and most are mid-way through. True to this vision, our students remain the biggest beneficiaries who consume quality teaching and learning which is assured at CUT.

Our vision is to be the world-class centre of excellence for technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

Our mission is to produce innovative graduates, create knowledge, enhance entrepreneurship and provide community service through quality teaching, training and technologically oriented research

Our Core Values
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