Blue Cross Zimbabwe - Harare
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With Us
Company name
Blue Cross Zimbabwe
213 2nd floor Trafalgar Court, Julius Nyerere, Harare, Zimbabwe
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00am -4:30pm
- Tuesday: 8:00am -4:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am -4:30pm
- Thursday: 8:00am -4:30pm
- Friday: 8:00am -4:30pm
- Saturday: closed
- Sunday: closed
Company manager
Pumuzile MguniEstablishment year
11-15E-mail address
Company description
We are a faith based organization founded in 2014 by Pumuzile Mguni who is a former life coach for Blue Cross Namibia. Having helped establish BCNa in 2007 and worked there also part of Europe, he then moved to Zimbabwe where he saw the need to start the same movement in improving the life of Zimbabweans by introducing the SACP as the main project which looks at having a close dialogue with the youth helping fight the abuse of alcohol, drugs and other related substance.
Blue Cross Zimbabwe looks at helping those abusing and those using also those pressured to start using alcohol, drugs and other related substances as a way of running away from problems through running awareness programs in school, workplaces and community. Our 8 key life-skills are categorized in three
Cognitive and Decision Making
Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Skills of Living with Self
Skills of Living with Others
Peer-pressure resistance
Non-violent conflict resolution
Aims and Objectives
To equip the learners with Life Skills and related functional literacy skills
To create sustainable learning opportunities that nurture youth empowerment and socio-economic inclusion
To enter with students into close and lively dialogue on their personal experience with alcohol and drugs
To break the cycle of youth marginalization and vulnerability that undermines individual, community and national development prospects
To alleviate the program of alcohol and drug abuse through counseling and awareness projects
To develop a national network of learners active in development cooperation and sobriety to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices
To promote and develop the standard of informal education, sports and games
To conduct awareness programs in Alcohol, Drugs abuse , Crime and poverty
To advocate for the possibility of sustainable youth generation
Sustainability of the Action Impact
The impact of the project will be felt directly or indirectly on many levels
At an economic and social level
By employing field workers and developing peer group leaders, poverty will be reduced and employment opportunities increased
By increasing awareness of the dangers of alcohol and drugs (and hopefully impacting positive choices) it is hoped that less people will fall into the trap of alcohol/drug misuse and therefore be more productive members of society which will in turn impact the economy of Zimbabwe and decrease other social problems associated with alcohol/drug misuse
By engaging the youth in healthy alternatives to alcohol and drugs and not giving them the opportunity to engage in negative pastimes we hope to lower opportunities for petty crime and gang violence as well as develop positive self-image within those participating and in turn strengthen communities
At National level
By advocating for the rights of marginalized groups (i.e. those affected by alcohol and drug abuse) it is hoped suitable policy documents will be drawn up at a national level
By being involved in policy development we have the opportunity to ensure policies developed are going to benefit all beneficiaries on the ground
At a Community and Regional level
By actively engaging communities in awareness and education campaigns we wish to encourage a change in public opinion relating the use of alcohol and drugs which will impact the amount of shebeens in given area as well as usage patterns of communities. By lowering these areas it will be extension lower other social issues related to high rates of alcohol and drugs risky sexual behavior, domestic violence etc…)
By lowering the rate of alcohol and drug use in the region, by extension, productivity and economic involvement should increase which will in turn benefit the region. It will also mean that regional spending on issues such as health care (for issues related to alcohol and drug related problems) will decrease and that money will be available to go into other areas.
Blue Cross Zimbabwe looks at helping those abusing and those using also those pressured to start using alcohol, drugs and other related substances as a way of running away from problems through running awareness programs in school, workplaces and community. Our 8 key life-skills are categorized in three
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namelyCognitive and Decision Making
Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Skills of Living with Self
Skills of Living with Others
Peer-pressure resistance
Non-violent conflict resolution
Aims and Objectives
To equip the learners with Life Skills and related functional literacy skills
To create sustainable learning opportunities that nurture youth empowerment and socio-economic inclusion
To enter with students into close and lively dialogue on their personal experience with alcohol and drugs
To break the cycle of youth marginalization and vulnerability that undermines individual, community and national development prospects
To alleviate the program of alcohol and drug abuse through counseling and awareness projects
To develop a national network of learners active in development cooperation and sobriety to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices
To promote and develop the standard of informal education, sports and games
To conduct awareness programs in Alcohol, Drugs abuse , Crime and poverty
To advocate for the possibility of sustainable youth generation
Sustainability of the Action Impact
The impact of the project will be felt directly or indirectly on many levels
At an economic and social level
By employing field workers and developing peer group leaders, poverty will be reduced and employment opportunities increased
By increasing awareness of the dangers of alcohol and drugs (and hopefully impacting positive choices) it is hoped that less people will fall into the trap of alcohol/drug misuse and therefore be more productive members of society which will in turn impact the economy of Zimbabwe and decrease other social problems associated with alcohol/drug misuse
By engaging the youth in healthy alternatives to alcohol and drugs and not giving them the opportunity to engage in negative pastimes we hope to lower opportunities for petty crime and gang violence as well as develop positive self-image within those participating and in turn strengthen communities
At National level
By advocating for the rights of marginalized groups (i.e. those affected by alcohol and drug abuse) it is hoped suitable policy documents will be drawn up at a national level
By being involved in policy development we have the opportunity to ensure policies developed are going to benefit all beneficiaries on the ground
At a Community and Regional level
By actively engaging communities in awareness and education campaigns we wish to encourage a change in public opinion relating the use of alcohol and drugs which will impact the amount of shebeens in given area as well as usage patterns of communities. By lowering these areas it will be extension lower other social issues related to high rates of alcohol and drugs risky sexual behavior, domestic violence etc…)
By lowering the rate of alcohol and drug use in the region, by extension, productivity and economic involvement should increase which will in turn benefit the region. It will also mean that regional spending on issues such as health care (for issues related to alcohol and drug related problems) will decrease and that money will be available to go into other areas.
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