PHILAXY SHADES - Harare, Zimbabwe
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Listing - +11Years
With Us
Company name
4 Cameron Rd ,Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe
Contact number
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Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 7AM-5:30PM
- Tuesday: 7AM-5:30PM
- Wednesday: 7AM-5:30PM
- Thursday: 7AM-5:30PM
- Friday: 7AM-5:30PM
- Saturday: 8AM-1PM
- Sunday: CLOSED
Company manager
Mr GodwinEstablishment year
6-10VAT registration
10061425E-mail address
Company description
Philaxy Shades is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company formed in March 2004.The company consists of two divisions namely manufacturing division and retailing division. The manufacturing division manufactures all types of canvas products and the retailing division sell all finished goods and other accessories. The organization has strived to keep the farming, commercial manufacturing, industrial and the informal sectors of the Zimbabwean economy on their wheels through very difficulty and trying times. We have over all these years stood by our customers and have gone to all length to supply them with our products that were necessary to the continued operations of customer’s processes.
Our Mission
To provide our clients with the highest quality services.
Our Core
Dedication to excellence
is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company formed in July 2001.The company consists of two divisions namely manufacturing division and retailing division. The manufacturing division manufactures all types of canvas products and the retailing division sell all finished goods and other accessories. The organization has strived to keep the farming, commercial manufacturing, industrial and the informal sectors of the Zimbabwean economy on their wheels through very difficulty and trying times. We have over all these years stood by our customers and have gone to all length to supply them with our products that were necessary to the continued operations of customer’s processes
Philaxy Shades is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company formed in March 2004.The company consists of two divisions namely manufacturing division and retailing division. The manufacturing division manufactures all types of canvas products and the retailing division sell all finished goods and other accessories. The organization has strived to keep the farming, commercial manufacturing, industrial and the informal sectors of the Zimbabwean economy on their wheels through very difficulty and trying times. We have over all these years stood by our customers and have gone to all length to supply them with our products that were necessary to the continued operations of customer’s processes.
Our Mission
To provide our clients with the highest quality services.
Our Core
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Values Integrity
Dedication to excellence
is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company formed in July 2001.The company consists of two divisions namely manufacturing division and retailing division. The manufacturing division manufactures all types of canvas products and the retailing division sell all finished goods and other accessories. The organization has strived to keep the farming, commercial manufacturing, industrial and the informal sectors of the Zimbabwean economy on their wheels through very difficulty and trying times. We have over all these years stood by our customers and have gone to all length to supply them with our products that were necessary to the continued operations of customer’s processes
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