Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel
About the product
Aloe Vera - The Miracle Plant

Man is a part of Nature. All monotheistic religions agree that God created men in his own image and Nature to suit men's needs. The evolution of the civilizations saw men drifting apart from Nature, resulting in a loss of the natural equilibrium of life. As man's awareness of disadvantages of modern lifestyle has grown over the last few decades, it is easy to understand his growing interest in organic food and natural medicinal plants. People are now beginning to find a solution for increasing health problems in products based on safer and more natural remedies with no side effects. Aloe Vera contains many active nutrients and medicinal compounds which synergistically help complex and interdependent biochemical processes.

Aloe Vera - The Silent Healer

Aloe Vera is one of the oldest medicinal plants. It is native to Africa and is also known as the "plant of immortality". It has a long and illustrious history dating from biblical times (Bible, John, Chapter 19, Verse 39-40). There are over 250 different species of Aloe grown around the world. However, only four species are known to have special healing and nutritional properties. Aloe Barbadensis Miller contains the highest concentration of vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, enzymes and other valuable ingredients, and is rightfully called Aloe Vera, which means the True Aloe.
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