Veterinary Services Dept - Harare, Zimbabwe

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Veterinary Services Dept
Borrowdale Rd Rm 13 Bevan Bldg, Harare, Zimbabwe
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Questions & Answers

What is the caccine for black leg
My puppy is vomiting and has diarhorrea and has been deteriorating for the past 2 days, how much are your consultation fees
Good day. we have a list of 12 hygiene detergents and disinfectants. may you please quote us how much it would cost for efficacy tests..
Please could you email us list of approved chemical suppliers and products for use in food factories
How do I register an abattoir in Zimbabwe
Hie, what can i do if want buy cattle in SA
Where do I obtain an IMPORT PERMIT for my pets to enter Zimbabwe? I cant seem to access your 'help' function on the website so am unable to ask someone 'live'. Please could you tell me where and how I obtain this permit (which is required for me to import my pets into Zimbabwe from South Africa).
Where can one access Zimbabwe's list of approved dairies for exports from South Africa?
What is the best medicine that can be applied to wounds developing on a cow that are in the form of swells with some parts that are dry. The dry parts can sometimes fall off leaving wounds on the cow.
How much is an import licence or permit for the importation of fertile eggs from south africa? what are your conditions?
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