Coyne Et Bellier - Harare, Zimbabwe
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Coyne Et Bellier
26 Lawson Ave Milton, Harare, Zimbabwe
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Questions & Answers
To whom it may concern
Our queries about Mhondoro Dam in Zimbabwe, which your company did the feasibility study in the mid 1990s, we are looking for a copy, to further a promotion of the above project. Your response argent response would greatly appreciated.
Neil MacCallum
Mhondoro B Dam committee
Our queries about Mhondoro Dam in Zimbabwe, which your company did the feasibility study in the mid 1990s, we are looking for a copy, to further a promotion of the above project. Your response argent response would greatly appreciated.
Neil MacCallum
Mhondoro B Dam committee
I was Mhondoro B dam Comittee member from the 1990s, when your company did the full feasibly study on the Mhondoro B project, we wish to know if you would have copy of the above study to facilitate a further promotion of the above project. Your co-operation would be appreciated.
Neil MacCallum
Neil MacCallum
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